torsdag 27 mars 2014


I will remove maple syrup as well, but one thing at a time ;-)

I LOVE porridge, but it hasn't been on my radar for a while. With small kids you want as few steps as possible, so having to heat something up has been way to complicated ;-). In doing my research on what I am supposed to eat, quite a few of my normal breakfasts are no longer acceptable. Even though the OMS diet  does not specify gluten and sugar, it is still something I really want to remove from my diet as well as everything else (the list is long). The reason is because of all the research done on how it can affect our gut even without an intolerance to it. Also because I am adapting my OMS diet to some of Terry Wahls suggestions (specifically the sugar, gluten and veggie model of 3x3 cups).

To be absolutely certain that your oats are gluten-free, buy one that is certified as such. Oats in themselves are always gluten-free (their protein is different), but those with an intolerance to gluten can react if the oats have been cross-contaminated (wheat growing in the field next to the oats for example). So to be sure buy the certified stuff ;-)! 

Porridge base:
1 dl (approx.1/2 cup) rolled oats
2 dl (approx. 1cup) water
a pinch of salt

Put all the ingredients in a deep bowl and microwave for 3 min, or cook on the stove till it's the desired consistency.

Still getting used to my new milk...
Suggestions for additional ingredients:
-BLUEBERRIES (brilliant "brain-food" very high in antioxidants)
-Currants (black,red,white)
-Banana (the greener the better as it has less sugar)
-Apple pieces or homemade applesauce (less sugar)
-Maple syrup
-OATLY Oatmilk
-ALPRO Soymilk

All of these ingredients would obviously be best fresh, but if you are like me and don't get to do my foodshop every other day; frozen is fine too. I always keep berries and fruit in my freezer. perfect for other things like smoothies as well. Sweden is a great country for berry-picking, so I tend to spend a few days every summer doing just that and then freezing them down for the winter! That way I know where they come from, and what is better than wild berries?! YUM.

Good luck!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Havregrynsgröt är godare om man kombinerar med andra gryn eller tex solrosfrön så det blir lite roligare textur. Vet inte vilka fler glutenfria gryn som finns men kan vara värt att kollas upp.

    1. Ja absolut! Tack för tipset! Och då kanske man inte märker smaken på sojamjölken lika mycket ;-)! Börjar vänja mig nu som tur är! Jag har krossade linfrön i lite allt möjligt också. Jag känner att jag behöver göra min egen lilla kokbok. och det är de bloggen blir. Så får uppdatera blogginlägget då jag hittat mer kombinationer :-)!! kram

    2. Du måste ju inte äta "mjölk" till. Gör den lite lösare bara. Det är svenskt med mjölk till. I Tallin fick Marcus ganska lös gröt utan mjölk.Funkar utmärkt. Gott med äpplebitar som får koka med litegrann, eller hackade nötter av olika slag, ger lite fett också.
